Expert landing page and web copy review for free 🔥

Run your web page through the eyes of a full-stack conversion copywriter, and get feedback on your messaging, copy and design

$0: Give a Testimonial in Return

Conversion partner for early-stage saas startups

You've poured hours into building your page

But you’re unsure of its conversion power. 

“Is this set up to drive visitors to take action?” you question. You lean back at your desk, give the page another nervous look …and place your cursor on the “Publish” button of your page builder. 

Suddenly, you become crippled by the thought of the page going live, and flopping. So, you take your hand off your mouse, to suspend publishing for later.

I mean, not until you get one or two people to give you their feedback.

So, you turn to the one place every SaaS founder, and creator go whenever they need landing page review- Reddit. 

Except that the Redditors are the master of vague comments. If you’ve requested a roast, then you’re no stranger to  comments like: 

 “Show not tell” – But you have no idea what that even means.

“Lead with the problem” – You’ve done that already…

“Change your design” – But they don’t say exactly what you should change.

The Redditors are trying to be helpful, but most critiques are generic, surface level, and based on guess games  rather than data. It’s easy to steer you in the wrong direction, and undo all your hard work

There’s a better way

Introducing: The 30 minutes free roast 🔥

What you get...

Video Roast
30-minutes recorded video roast - I might edit your copy on the fly if I’m feeling generous.

Optimization checklist
Personalized page optimization checklist.

Copy critique
A close look at your Framework, page structure, spelling, messaging, and USP

UX critique
A deep look at the UX of your page to analyze choice of icons, colors, fonts, and CTA buttons.

Offer optimization
Deep dive into your offer, obstacle anticipation and friction removal.

Who is this for?

🚀 Recently launched a SaaS, and looking for honest feedback on your landing page.

📥 Building a page (Course or product) at the moment and want a free roast, to avoid burning your ad spent.

👆 Building a page to validate your app, or get people to sign up for your beta.

🛠️ Your online course page isn’t converting, and want professional help on how to fix it.

Group 46 (1)

Hi, I’m Zaynab 👋

Founder of Big difference, a conversion copywriter, and host of your free roast.

With Big Difference, my goal is to help more start-ups, course creators, and solopreneurs shift away from traffic and subscriber-heavy approaches to conversion. 

And instead, focus on getting more buyers, and subscribers from their existing traffic. This roast helps you get professional feedback on what to change on your page – copy, and design wise to get more clicks…

What to expect when you book a roast

I will...

💰 Go through your market research data.

💰 Look at the heatmap, and scrollmap on your page to detect issues with your copy.

💰 Review your message hierarchy and page layout.

💰 Look through your hero session .

💰 Turn detective for Grammar errors.

💰 Review UX to ensure it aligns with best practices.

 💰 Edit your copy on the fly where necessary.

💰 Study your choice of word for alignment with the voice of customers.

💰Package all my insights into a 30-minute video


This roast is specially designed for SaaS startups and creators.

 Yes, this roast won’t cost you anything, however it will be nice to leave a testimonial if you find it valuable.

Of course if you don’t have time to implement my feedback, you can always hire me to do so for you. Go here to hire me for landing page or web copy projects at an affordable rate.

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